Tortosa – Parc Natural del Delta de l’Ebre – Tortosa
Discover the Parc Natural del Delta de l'Ebre with this route from Tortosa
Bike route through the Parc Natural del Delta de l'Ebre
The route starts from the Hotel SB Corona Tortosa, going over the Pont de l’Estat bridge to head to the south of the Terres de l’Ebre along the right bank of the river before entering the Parc Natural del Delta de l’Ebre, visiting the town of Deltebre, Poblenou del Delta and Sant Carles de la Rápita until Amposta.
The first part of the itinerary is flat, covering 48 kilometres with a variety of possibilities to actively enjoy nature, with views of a mosaic of plain, coastal and mountain landscapes which provide a habitat for many animal and plant species.
From the town of Amposta, take the C-12, changing the type of road and landscape with the first ramp at kilometre 59 with a maximum height gain of 4% and a short descent to prepare yourself to climb to the top of the steepest hill on the route: Santa Bárbara- Mas de Barberans.
Start the climb of Santa Bárbara- Mas de Barberans, which is 12 kilometres with some stretches at 7%, reaching the top at an altitude of 287 m at the entrance to the village of Barberans, from where you descend on the TV-3421, riding 18 kilometres across the Terres de l’Ebre to Tortosa.
This route is not technically difficult, bringing together a huge range of landscapes and ecosystems in just over 95 kilometres, with a positive height gain of 549 m.
96 km -
5.19 h -
402 m -