Tortosa – Parc Natural del Delta de l’Ebre – Tortosa

Discover the most spectacular landmarks of the Parc Natural del Delta de l'Ebre with this bike route from Tortosa

MTB routes

MTB route through the Parc Natural del Delta de l'Ebre

This MTB route is the continuation of the Val del Zafán – Baix Ebre Greenway to the Parc Natural del Delta de l’Ebre. It belongs to the GR-99 path and runs through the Terres de l’Ebre from Tortosa to the mouth of the Ebro River, allowing you to follow its winding course through the municipalities that make up the Baix Ebre region. The route is 93.17 km long, with an average gradient of 0.2% and an accumulated height gain of 209 m. it is recommended for all categories of cyclists and fans of the sport.

Leave the hotel via the Pont de l’Estat bridge to cross to the right side of the city. From here, take the Passeig de Joan Moreira in a southerly direction passing the junction between the C-12 and C-42, and follow a network of paths that run along the banks of the river and through fruit crops in the area between Tortosa and Amposta.

At kilometre 12 of the route, change direction and head NE. Stop following the river and follow the railway line until you reach the crossing over the Mediterráneo motorway towards L’Aldea. From here, follow the paths that take you into the Ebre wetland until you reach the Ebro River again and cross the town of Deltebre (km 28) towards Riumar, where the river comes out into the Mediterranean Sea.

Start your return journey to Tortosa from Bassa de l’Arena, taking the same roads and tracks you used to reach the coast. At this point on the route, you will have ridden 45.6 kilometres through the Terres de l’Ebre area and through one of the most important wetlands for the survival of life and biological diversity in the whole of Europe.

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    93.6 km
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    5.18 h
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    95 m
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Map of the route




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