Gravel route from Tortosa to the Ebro Delta

Bicycle route through the Ebro Delta from Tortosa

Gravel route from Tortosa to the Ebro Delta

This is a route that combines asphalt on bike lanes, secondary roads and compact dirt tracks. It is perfect for those who are new to gravel biking and have a good physical condition to cover the 92 km in length. This route is not very difficult, since it requires very little technique and is also very varied. It can also be done with a mtb bike. The roads we pass through represent less than 10% of the route and are very safe with little traffic.  

 The first 15 km to Amposta are very fast, leaving the Hotel SB Corona Tortosa along the bike lane parallel to the river and taking the compact dirt track. After the Amposta bridge (N-340) we take the side of the Ebro river to reach the Ullals d’en Baltasar, where we will make a mandatory stop to see different native fish and lots of vegetation passing through the wooden walkways. Once we leave the Ullals, we enter the most spectacular part of the route: we fully immerse ourselves in the Ebro Delta, with views of the rice fields, wetlands, bird viewpoints and passing by one of the best-known restaurants and spaces in the area, such as La Casa de Fusta (km 30). There we can take the opportunity to have a brunch or a break to get our strength back, since there are still 2/3 of the route left. 

 We head towards Poble Nou del Delta for a circular route of 8 km to see the Torre Sant Joan, an old watchtower of the Badia dels Alfacs. From this point, we take again a road with very little traffic between rice fields until we reach Camping Eucaliptus and we take again a dirt track marked as a cycling and pedestrian route, Via Buda, that leads us between the trees and its wooden fences, joining with the bike lane until the “Lo Passador” bridge, that separates the towns of San Jaume d’Enveja and Deltebre. 

 Right here we enter the last part of the route towards L’Aldea and the last 20 km to the starting point, located in Tortosa. This last stretch can be one of the most demanding, because it is monotonous and there are a couple of climbs (very short, 400 m and with a 4% gradient) so, with the accumulated fatigue from the km travelled, we will arrive at the Hotel SB Corona Tortosa very hungry.

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